Fighting Styles
Written by DX
Last updated on 2007-08-06
Fighting styles, while somewhat similar sounding to positions/roles, are certainly not as limiting—any position/role can be used with any style. They may be mixed and combined, in fact, many are incomplete without other styles to complement them.
Juggernaut: A person using this style arms themselves to the teeth with their best heavy hitters. They often wield multiple soakers and carry a backpack [or backpacks]. Big, strong players often favor this style. This is definitely the most intimidating and coolest looking of styles. While packing overwhelming firepower, juggernauts are often weak in speed and agility.
Militaristic: Often called a "toy soldier", such a player might as well be in real warfare. This style emphasizes military-like commands, operations, terminology, and structure. These are the people most likely to use radio callsigns rather than names, wear camo, and shout in battle. Natural aggression is an excellent match as well as a formidable counter for this style.
Powerholic: A powerholic seeks soakers with the most range and/or most output possible. They really mean business and enjoy watching the effects of their guns [kills at very long range in one hit games and total soakage in soaking games]. This style is similar to juggernaut, but a powerholic does not have to go heavy - many are minimalists. This is one of the most difficult styles to counter, especially when it is mixed with an agile style such as free flow. Powerholics may be weak in battle practicality.
Guerilla: This mostly offensive style calls for mobile raids and ambushes, disappearing after attacking. The player arms themselves with whatever is necessary for a given raid, often a single primary and sometimes a launcher. This style utilizes speed and cover in order to track an enemy, yet remain out of sight. The Guerilla style is very strong, but loses its effectiveness if the player is forced into a direct head-on engagement, especially in the open.
Minimalist: A player favoring this style travels very light. Most of the time, they carry a primary soaker and nothing else, allowing for greater mobility. Players of this style may be over-matched in direct engagements, but their speed allows for valuable maneuvering advantages.
Aggressive: This is a common style for those who love offense and attacking. A naturally aggressive player is always on the offensive, always actively seeking the enemy and pushing them back. The type of guns and physical ability of these players does not matter as much in defining the style. The aggressive style has few weaknesses, one of them being itself. When two players of this style meet head on, the more aggressive often comes out on top.
Reserved: This style is especially common among newer players. A reserved player mainly sticks to defensive action and avoids the enemy when possible. They are often not weak, but just unsure of their ability. Reserved players often have strong sensitivity and awareness, making them natural tacticians.
Turtle/Camper: A turtle is a reserved player who uses extreme caution in battle. They often feel nervous when leaving the relative safety of a defensive and/or fortified position. Campers rarely venture far from water sources and rarely into unknown territory. Such players often arm themselves well, but don't use their power to attack.
Speed Demon/Free Flowing: This is a relatively rare omnifensive style due to its difficulty. It emphasizes dodging ability, reflexes, agility, raw speed, and quick/constant motion in general. A speed demon lets internal and external energy flow through them, enhancing their speed-related skills and making them virtually impossible to hit. Time is a more formidable opponent than any human enemy, for once a player gets tired, this style ceases to work effectively.
Intuitive: This is a rare style, mainly because very few people are able to use it well. An intuitive player has an uncanny ability to sense the presence of an enemy, and can find them by following their feelings. They also are naturals at wielding the most abstract of concepts, aka playing mind games with the enemy. Intuitive players can read enemy feelings and even use them against the enemy if they are skilled in the style. They may also become more powerful by using their own feelings as an energy source. This style tends to turn people reserved, as they are very aware of enemy power.
Versatile: A versatile player may be able to excel with whatever gun they are handed and whatever position[s]/role[s] they use. This style is commonly used, but very difficult to really master. A truly skilled versatile player has expert knowledge about many fighting styles, guns, roles, tactics, and concepts. They are extremely well-rounded and often intellectual. The main weakness of such a player is actually not the enemy, but their own team's structure.
Gun-Worshiper: A player who favors a single gun, single class of guns, etc. somewhat excessively. They may choose to only wield their favorite in a war and over time they gain expert knowledge of their gun/class. Gun-worshipers are usually less skilled wielding other guns, which may be a large weakness if their primary gun or class is broken, unavailable, etc. They may be equally skilled or unskilled in tactics.
Selfless/Team Player: This type of player is often the most well-liked on the field. They let others have the better guns and let others call the shots. When they make decisions, the decisions are for the team's benefit, making them excellent natural commanders. A very skilled Team Player may even create opportunities for players without kills to achieve them. This style focuses more on saving kills against one's own team than scoring kills against the enemy team [or stopping their team from being soaked by the enemy rather than soaking the enemy]. Selfless players are most deadly when they are able to save and kill with equal proficiency. They may be weak in direct duels against players with more aggressive and self-empowering styles.
Lone Wolf: A lone wolf concentrates on one's own skills. They may work solo or with a team, but prefer to have some sort of independence. Lone wolves are excellent natural killers/soakers and become extremely powerful when they get hot. Some may be self-centered and may desire power. Individuals with strong personalities are often drawn to this style. Lone wolves are best countered with strong teamwork or other lone wolves.
Risk-Taker: This style focuses on experimentation with the new and unusual. Such a player is willing to try new things, take risks, and even attempt to defy the natural rules of water warfare. Such individuals are very difficult to command and often have their ideas rejected, even when in command. Bad ideas or good ideas gone bad may lead to disaster. Ideas that work, however, may gain them fame and respect. Risk-Takers constantly use their tactics in different ways and do unusual things, making it very difficult to fight them. Risk-taking may be countered with solid conservatism or even more daring risk-taking.
Conservative: A conservative player sticks to tried-and-true methods of fighting. Tradition is seen as a reliable guide as to what works. Conservative players use sensible tactics and widely-accepted ideas, making them strong and reliable fighters.
Inventor/Techie: This kind of player enjoys testing out their latest creations on the field of battle. War is a chance to prove the power of a unique homemade, the accuracy of a new launcher, or perhaps something else. Such a person is very creative, logical, and their often impressive devices may help improve how things are done in water warfare.
Chameleon: This is a not really a true style of its own, but the ability to wield many or even all of the others. A chameleon can trick enemies by using a certain style and then rapidly switching to another. A player skilled in the style may be able to use devastating combinations of styles and equally devastating trick style combinations.
Follower/Emulator: This is a not really a true style of its own, but the ability to wield teammates' styles. Such a player has their own styles, but may choose to pick up the styles of those they are fighting with. A follower learns very quickly in real time. Many newer players emulate veterans' fighting styles and end up with veteran-quality experience themselves.