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Battle Report 09/17/05

Written by DX
Last updated on 2006-06-10

Today's war was a 2v3, with myself and Nibor representing the Ridgewood Militia. We fought to a 5-2 win. [1 kill = 1 point]

Ridgewood Militia:

  • Duxburian: CPS 21K, CPS 1100 [the 1100 got taken and used against us]
  • Nibordude: CPS 1500, CPS 12K [Luckily the 12K wasn't taken]


  • Belisaurius: XP 310, and my 1100
  • Matt: CPS 2100
  • Matt N: Flash Flood

When the battle started, Nibor and I immediately headed for the treehouse in the corner of the park and on a hill. Instead of entering the treehouse, we hid behind a large tree and waited.

Nick expected us to be in the treehouse, so his team popped up and checked it out. Finding nothing, they started to leave. That's when Nibor and I rushed them with water balloons and took a few shots. We retreated and fought to a standoff.

However, as time went on, Waterbridge kept heavy pressure on the position and we ran low on water as well. Despite a skillful defense, Nibordude had to flee and I fought them all off until hit. Both of us were hit.

We have a 2 minute rule, when one is killed, they must wait 2 minutes before coming back in. I walked down the hill and found Nibordude at the brook. We filled up in a small pocket of water [it was mostly dry since we have experienced a drought.] We then hid behind some bushes and trees on the other bank.

Sure enough, Waterbridge left the treehouse area and headed away. We came back to the treehouse to take our backpacks and Nibor's 12K. From there, the plan was to travel along the out of bounds line [private houses on the hill] until we came to a strong position near the main trail entrance. Another member of our team, Chris was supposed to show up mid-battle and we wanted to be near the trailhead for that. We managed to follow the rim of the hill all the way to the head of the trail, no sign of Waterbridge.

After getting into a nice defensive position, we called Chris, who happened to be at the mall. So, that plan was out. Down by one person, down 0-2 in score, there's much to look forward to.

We left the hill and followed the main trail to the dam, which was dry, and no sign of the enemy. Crossing the dam and walking along the heights revealed nothing. Standing at High Point revealed nothing. It began to rain, so we doubled back to the dam. By now, Nibor thought Waterbridge was hiding, and I had no clue where they could be.

Walking lazily down the path from the dam, I glimpsed Matt, one of the Waterbridge commanders. We also heard Nick's whistle, which was a dead give-away that they were approaching us. This was a perfect setup for an ambush, seeing how they had not noticed our presence a mere 50ft. up the path. It could have hardly gone any better. They ran back to where the path splits [the trail runs the length of the park but also goes up the middle to the entrance] and there stopped running. Nibor and I seperated, which proved to be a very effective strategy. Dividing your forces in the face of a superior enemy works, despite what generals throughout histroy have said.

We hit Nick, Matt, and Matt N. all in a minute or two. So it was now 3-2, Militia leading! And then more good luck: Nick was out of water. So he stood there while the fight became 2v2. Nibor killed Matt twice more, as we both put pressure on his positions.

The time ran out, and it was 5-2 us with the victory! All 5 of our kills came in the final 10 minutes of combat and in a fierce fight.

Both teams decided that our battlefield was way too large for just 3v2. We agreed that from now on, numbers will decide where the war is fought. Larger teams would mean at Goffle, smaller teams would mean at Waterbridge. We hope to have the next war next weekend.

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